Supermodels SA June 2015 Issue 46 | Page 10

sa EDITOR’S NOTE This month on the cover we have the beautiful Angelique Gerber. What an amazing per- son she is. Grounded in God, she has no problem giving her testimony. Her love for acting also shines through and she is currently playing a role in a local television program: Villa Rosa. Read more about her, and see her SEXY photos we took from page 12. In South Africa winter is really setting in now and every day is getting colder and colder. I believe strongly that seasons play a big role not only on the earth, but also for the emotional state of humans. Just as nature settles into a deep sleep and rest, so we as humans also need to take the time to relax, revitalize, rejuvenate and do some introspection to sort out our emotional state. Let peace and love be prominent in our lives. As for the northern hemisphere, which is in full swing of SUMMER! I see so many of my international friends getting their tans on, don’t forget to use sunblock! I recently did an online article of a girl that suffers from skin cancer, go check out her video, and be warned that it contains graphic content: The world may seem to be in chaos, and the fact that we don’t have surety of the future has a great effect on our lives, physically and mentally. We have however one surety, that we are grounded in Christ Jesus, He is our anchor and we look forward to the day of His return. Call on Him today and accept Him into your life. Happy reading! jamie jonk Magazine lssa de rmo upe s Contact Us [email protected] SAVE PAPER SAVE FOREST READ DIGITAL