SUNRISE Февраль_веб | Page 45

MUSIC If You Can Play Jazz, then You Can Play Everything Maxim, do you write your own music? Maxim: I write it in short parts; however, I do not have enough knowledge for making the whole compositions. In this regard, I prefer to dedicate more effort and energy to self- education and study of the theory. Ilya: I've got only two well-structured and harmonious compositions at the moment. You need to practice a lot, to analyze the other people's reactions. Nevertheless, I am not a fan of remaking and rewriting things too much. We are leaving for Shanghai soon, and we have a lot of work on recording the tracks to be done there. The English-language ones, first of all. In the City Poets` Club, we often discuss if the refinement of the poems is worth doing? Some say that it is better to write them in their original forms, while others believe that it is better to take some time for a poem “to ripe” so that you can change it in some way later. And what is your opinion about that? Does creativity need to be a system? Maxim: It all depends on the case. In general, you need to have an idea about the logic and how it will unfold over time. Ilya: I think that creativity should have s o m e p r i n c i p l e s . T h e a r t i ts e l f i s t h e structuration of chaos that's why music is what it is, because the sounds are organized into a system according to the pitch of tone, to the time of sounding. A composition should be complete at all levels, starting from the ve r y fi r s t p h r a s e : t h e b e g i n n i n g, t h e development, the end and ending up with the plot as a whole. At present, it's become particularly difficult to clearly say whether a certain work is a piece of art. Sometimes when you're looking at the picture you see nothing but the connection of color spots. You can't catch the idea, the image, but it is nevertheless called a masterpiece. Ilya: I made a general conclusion that a piece of art is something that others are ready to perceive. Something that contains a message people can understand. Maxim: Jazz, for example, is a combination of a certain set of rhythms that each person perceives individually. Is jazz popular at present? Ilya: I see its revival. The new solutions are created by mixing styles into unusual combinations. Now, for example, new jazz mixed with club music is popular. This is something new and very atmospheric! Maxim: People like it! Pure jazz isn't that popular. People mostly believe that this is music of classic American films of the 20s or a type of music for the elite only. In fact, jazz can be integrated into any other musical style. Ilya: That's true! And this all is due to the fact that jazz is an improvisational music and the musicians themselves have a great interest in playing it. Thus, it brings together very talented people who are willing to develop. There is intellect, emotions, and a certain technique there. There is a way you can show yourself. Naturally, new ideas are born in the process. This is a kind of a forge for musical skills. You need to feel the rhythm well, to know the forms ... February 2019 №2 SUNRISE 45