Summer issue 2017 Oct./Nov. Issue 2017 | Page 11

of a doubt that God was calling me to that realm of music. I started writing worship songs and playing for my youth group and one thing just lead to another." 

2. Was there a defining moment where you came to a saving knowledge of Christ, or did you grow up in a Christian home and what has the journey of your faith looked like so far? 

"I grew up in a Christian home, so I have known Jesus as my Lord and Savior ever since I could remember. But with that being said, the journey has been FAR from perfect and there have been several moments of me coming to know how big the grace and love of Christ really is.

I grew up in a very safe environment. I never really experienced any tragic or detrimental moments that put my faith on the line or into question. I had what most people would call the “sheltered” upbringing. That being said, things changed when I graduated high school. I started touring in a band full time, left my home in Michigan to live in Ohio, and was kind of thrown into a sea of the unknown right off the bat. Having toured in various countries and nearly every state, my world view kind of went through a shock period and I realized how sheltered my life really was. This period of my life weighed a heavy tole on my faith. I wish I could say that I made no mistakes and that my faith was strong enough to keep me grounded, but that is just not totally true. 


thrown into a sea of the unknown right off the bat. Having toured in various countries and nearly every state, my world view kind of went through a shock period and I realized how sheltered my life really was. This period of my life took a toll on my faith. I wish I could say that I made no mistakes and that my faith was strong enough to keep me grounded, but that is not totally true. 

I started to lose myself along with my faith. The faith that I thought was rock solid was seeming to crumble. I began to only care about myself and had lost the original vision that God had placed in my heart, which is to reach people for Christ through the power of music. 

During this period I felt so beyond empty. So lost. So… pointless. So I began to beg God for a way out. A way for me to become the man He actually wants me to be."

3. who are a few artists or other influential people in your life that inspire you? 

"I LOVE Hillsong. I think what they do is incredible. Their new record is awesome, and I think what they have done for worship music and the church is extremely inspiring."