Summer Edition LOH, 2018 LOH Magazine-spread-theme0081818 a | Page 7

LOH Magazine |August 2018 Trump is the first president to call for school choice, a wide range of programs offering stu- dents and their families funds to best provide for their educational needs, whether that’s to a private, school, like Esprit de Corps Center for Learning or a public or charter school etc. During his recent Whitehouse speech, President Trump pulled on the heartstrings of the American people by sharing the story of a young African-American woman, Denisha Merriweather. Merriweather, a Florida native, failed the third grade twice, and then, after being pulled out of public school, was placed in a private center for learning with help from a tax credit scholarship program. At the private institution, she began to flourish academically, and now she is the first in her family to graduate from college and as has now earned a master’s degree in social work. academic performance, (2) high-stake assessments, and (3) education equity to t h e debate on co mmo n core state standards. These are barriers that get in the way, or t h e im por tant e leme n ts th a t mu s t be focused on in o rder to move forward and offer better educational opportuni- ties to students. Even though t h e nation faces ma n y criti- cal issues in education, we need the courageous leader- s h i p that thi s A d min istra tio n can provide to bring about serious reform to schools. At EDC we are concerned and bothered in our spirit about children suffering in failing schools. Secretary DeVo s is c o mmit t e d t o c o n - t i n u i n g h e r e ff o r t s t o a d v o - cate for our kids and their futures by helping parents through giving them choice to select schools that work for them to acquire adequate e d u catio n f o r t h e ir c h ild re n . EDC is dedicated to working collaboratively with the P r e s i d e n t ’s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n , and together finding new ways in which we can pos- itively transform education and shape education poli- cies. We are making a differ- ence in our students and a p o sitive imp a c t o n t h e lo c a l community that we serve. EDC is a school where Learning is a Joy, Excellence is t h e No rm, a n d S u pe r i o r i t y is our Goal. Let us equip your child with the educa- tion necessary to achieve h is o r h e r G o d -g iv e n p o t e n - t ia l. F o r e n ro llme n t or a d d i - tional school information, contact us using the infor- ma t io n b e lo w. Website: Phone : 904-924-2000. Email: learning@edccenterforlearn- 7