Summer 2017 Professional Learning Brochure 2017 Summer PL Brochure | Page 9

CYNTHIA S. BUECHLER, partner in the law firm of Buechler & Associates, P.C., has been practicing disabilities law for over 30 years. Ms. Buechler is the CEO and co-founder of the National Educators Law Institute and presents regularly at NELI conferences, school districts, nationwide events, and regional service centers throughout Texas. Everything you Wanted to Know or Ask About Section 504 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Attorney Cynthia Buechler will describe Section 504. Identification, eligibility, and appropriate accommodations. Come with questions for the attorney and learn everything you wanted to know about Section 504. CREDITS: 3 CPE / Flex Friday, August 4th 9:00am—12:00pm ADMINISTRATION BUILDING—WALSH ROOM Grades: K-12 The Hard ARD COURSE DESCRIPTION: Attorney Cynthia Buechler will discuss special education services. Identification, eligibility, appropriate accommodations and how to get through the “hard” ARDs. Come with questions for the attorney and learn everything you wanted to know about ARDs. CREDITS: 3 CPE / Flex Friday, August 4th 1:00pm—4:00pm ADMINISTRATION BUILDING—WALSH ROOM Grades: K-12 9