BUSINESS PLAN Naturefriends Greece (2018 – 2022) NFGR participate in each single European or international network associated with the protection of the Natural and Urban Environment, Fair Trade, Consumer Protection, Solidarity, Peace, Social Rights, the Circular Economy, Sustainable Development etc. Participation in the aforementioned Civil Society Networks should be in line with the principles of the NFGR Statute (conference decision - November 2017). Three pillars of actions Individual environmental and social problems are "side effects" of the same system and individual behaviors. Naturefriends Greece adopts the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. However we select specific objectives of actions knowing that the goals are connected and influence each other and that partnerships are needed, as outlined in Goal 17 for sustainable development "Partnerships for the Goals.” Brief description of actions per pillar of objectives. PILLAR A - NATURAL & URBAN ENVIRONMENT 1. Urban Waste Management – Pollution | Campaign: "Less Waste - Better Life" | WASTE ZERO 2. Health and the Environment | Thessaloniki Conference “Environment and Health – the case of Fyli landfill (ΧΥΤΑ)” 3. Natural Environment (forests, rivers, lakes, sea, flora, fauna) | I Learn and Protect Nature. 4. Urban Environment (Public Transport, Road Safety, parklands, Pedestrian & Cyclist Rights) | Basque Declaration | European Mobility Week | Me and My City | Models for Sustainable and Smart Cities PILLAR B - SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT – ENERGY - TOURISM - TRADE AGREEMENTS 1. Green economy – Sustainable development-sustainable tourism (in combination with the protection of the environment, local development, enhancing the historical character and heritage etc.) | “Do we all mean the same when we use the term "Development?” | Circular Economy | De-development 2. European and international actions | Movement for the Critique of Free Trade Agreements (CETA, TTIP, TiSA, TTP etc.) | Fair Trade | WTO 3. Food Safety - Healthy Diet - Consumer Rights 4. Energy - Climate change [not only fossil fuels] Disengagement from fossil fuels - stop the importation or extraction of LNG and slate oil (fracking) | No to nuclear energy | Yes to RES with moderation and with respect to the natural environment. PILLAR C - PEACE – CULTURE – EDUCATION – DEMOCRACY 1. Culture | Naturefriends Greece is registered with the Registry of Cultural Organizations of the Ministry of Culture with Reg. 3358 | 2018: European Year of Cultural Heritage