sultry reigns 1 | Page 81

non-average size.

Q. What was your biggest career mistake? And what did you learn from it?

A. Not starting sooner and to not put off what you can do today for tomorrow.

Q. Where do you see your career in 3 years?

A. Gracing the covers of magazines, encouraging teens, women, and men across the world and helping develop people into their best self.

Q. What are your goals?

A. To provide a very comfortable living for my family, afford resources for my autistic son while also being able to touch other people's lives using my God given talents.

Q .Who is your favorite model and why?

A. Dionne Reeves-Grubbs because of her ability to touch so many women like me. She has a passion and a drive that shines and she is a gorgeous full figured model with class, a bit of sass and lots of grace!

Q. What was your favorite modeling job and why?

A. I have two that tie: Photo shoot for Ethereal Flow Swim’s website and Walking in GA Peach Fashion week for Norahs Khan. The photoshoot gave me another boost of confidence and being comfortable in my own skin. I was able to provide a positive body image for women my size and sell swimsuits for the company. I ended up being on the websites banner and in the catalog. The fashion show provided the 1st opportunity for my parents to see my work as a full figured model. They were able to see me in a completely different light and it made them very proud. It was also my first opportunity to be on television (The Braxton’s) opening the show with a fellow model Niki Nicole McClain.

Q. What are your strengths as a model?

A. My strength as a model is my ability to quickly absorb and meet the needs of the client or designer in a very humble and respectful way. The way I walk, smile, and have an addictive personality.

Q. What are your weaknesses as a model?

A. My weakness is my limited industry experience and knowledge.

Q. What fashion designer would you like to work with in the future?

A. There are so many, but to name a few: Monif C., Dominque Auxilly, Igigi, Ashley Neil, Harlow, Jill Alexander, and David Meister.

Q. How would you describe your personality and working style?

A. My personality is effervescent and my work style is results driven.

Q. How would you describe your personality and working style?

A. My personality is effervescent and my work style is results driven.

Q. What is your experience in the fashion industry?

A. 2 print/e-magazine ads, 10 runway shows, 1 commercial, 2 performances (Singing Jazz)

Q. What do you consider the most important facets of the fashion industry?

A. Displaying positive and inspirational body imagery that sells clothes but also inspires others to chase and catch their dreams.

Q. Have you taken any training or courses to learn how to models?

A. Yes, I have been through a few workshops and tutorials, but also look at every modeling opportunity as a chance to enhance my skills and knowledge. I have also had the opportunity to get advice and guidance from Linda Scott Houston of LS 1426. She has been such a true blessing as I continue to learn how to enhance my skills and abilities.

Q. How do you handle the stresses of modeling?

A. I try not to stress what I cannot control. If I pursue something and do not get chosen, I do not get upset, because I know what is meant for me will be. What is in my control, is being able to continuously develop and establish my brand as a professional model.

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