sultry reigns 1 | Page 27

We lend our shoulder, we are non-paid cab drivers (carpool), we cook for the sick and visit in the hospital but many women make sure others reach their goals and dreams without a cheer for them. No more. Everyone can be supported but we can’t live in pain keeping our issues muted. We must open up and speak our truth so that we don’t assume people know what we’re feeling but they are aware and can respond to our needs.

Q: Do you feel that women should raise their families first and then follow their own goals after they successfully did the job of being a mother?

A: No I think it can be done simultaneously but you have to have the right timing. When is it the right time for the kids and proper time management will show you how to manage your dream too. My kids are in college, my oldest graduated, but I was writing books and plays when they were younger. I didn’t allow things to conflict. It can be done.

Q: Can you tell us what is your major and what do you plan to do as you continue on your journey of life to success? Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?

A: I am at New York Theological Seminary. My studies are theological. I am in pursuit of my Certificate Program, then my Masters of Divinity and finally my Doctorate. I will still be in school in five years but I will see it through.

Q: Your family seems very very close what is your recipe for yourself, family and life that keeps you all grounded and bonded in unity?

A: We talk a lot. It is the way that my husband and I talked about before we had children. My husband recently retired from Verizon Communications. When our first daughter was born my husband told his foreman that he no longer wanted to work overtime. That was a big part of his salary that paid the household bills. We made

We made adjustments because he didn’t want to miss the kids growing up. That meant a lot to us. We wanted the kids to see our face supporting them not hearing us. We laugh a lot but we chastise them as well. We love hard. We’re not perfect but we are a family and we are alike that three strand cord; were not easily broken.

Ms. Tina Baker is a pillar of greatness. I watch this lady on her facebook page and her determination is infectious. She thrives to be everything and all things successful not only for herself but for her family and those who are fortunate to come into her circle of life. She has even transformed her health into living not only a healthy lifestyle mentally but physically. I witness her formation in attending boot camp and challenging herself to the unlimited actions for change. She received her doctorate degree and so much within the year. I am proud to witness all the blessings that she received by stepping towards to change and holding onto the unchangeable hands of God to complete her goals, which still continues. I only pray that what has been fed to me by watching her and talking to her briefly thru texts that I mural it into my own life as my journey continues. It was an honored to conduct this interview and get the vision of her life. Knowing that with faith, support, dedication, and thrive and most of all prayer you can be what you dream as long as you reach to grab it and dare to achieve to BE. What you put into the atmosphere is what will be so, that being said be mindful to push out the positive energy into the world and breathe it all in.

This is Lizpetique and I thank you all for reading and hope that this story not only reaches but touches all those that are affected and want to achieve outside of a day dream but a real life dream..

Inspirational 27