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Lady Blog on Jersey City Caribbean Day Carnival Parade 2016

Diversity Pride in Cultures

The Vibrant Color of Heritage Love

The proudness and pride of culture in every ethnicity was among the paraders and crowd attendees. It was a day celebrating a culture that embraces the history of what was laid before them and us. This day was such a memorable day for me because I haven't been in a parade since I was a young girl as a cheerleader and a drill team stepper. This day I was in the parade celebrating the Caribbean culture as NJ State Representative Queen for Today’s American Woman which is now for 2017 The International Todays Woman. I was lucky enough to ride in a red convertible car waving to the crowd with my sash and crown. Woww with a extra W, is all I can say to that. Although it was a very hot windy but humid day, paraders lined up along the block to witness the colorful beautiful costumes with the grand marshals, the delegates of the city give solace to a day filled with nothing but exciting energy. Mardi Gras Style. The lovely lady who is the president of this remarkable parade committee Ms. Cheryl Winstead, who is of Caribbean native was very professional in conducting a very well planned parade. Although, it wasn't as many spectators that I envision it would be, it turned out to be just enough with all the excitement and cheers it was a experience that, I truly got to appreciate, as well as all of the queens, marshalls and other organizations from around Jersey City with the calypso music all in the air. They had battle of the bands that was beyond awesome, that I got a glimpse on after we completed our round back to the steps and stage of Jersey City Hall with councilmen and councilwoman giving their introductions of paraders as they pass to their final march of the event. This was my first and not my last day to celebrate heritage pride. After the parade finale a few blocks away at the Jersey City pier where they had live entertainment and vendors with different ethnic foods to enjoy along with other businesses promoting to sale from clothing, to pocket books to artwork and jewelry. All I say is what a day it was for me morning to the evening. Memory cherished in the appreciation in culture and life.

LizPetique aka LadyBlog leaving out with a xo as always

Be Bless In The Spirit with Embracing Cultures in Pride

Events 15