sultry reigns 1 | Page 118

Q. How do the social, economic, environmental, technological, legal and political environments impact your business?

A. How do they not impact my business would be an easier question to answer! Lol. The social climate around inclusivity and body positivity in the last few years has by far been the most impactful. I don't think Medeiros Fashion PR would have been successful even 10 years ago because the world simply wasn't as accepting as it is now.

As I mentioned earlier, I have to make sure to keep up on the changes in technology, especially social media, because there are tools coming out all the time that could make my job easier and improve the results I get for my clients.

Thankfully, my lawyer helps me stay on top of any legal changes because I do not want to get "caught with my pants down", as my mother would say, because of any ignorance of the law!

Q. Do you know who your competitors are?

Yes, it's so important to know your competition. Although there are no other firms in the US that specialize in plus, there are lots of fashion PR firms who may have some plus size clients, so the ones who are my size would be considered my competition.

Q. How do you market your business? How are people aware of your business?

Network, network, and then network some more! I go to fashion events, connect with people on social media, and always make sure to have business cards on me. Once, I even made a connection at the Boston Globe while I was watching the New Years Eve fireworks with my husband; I'm always on my game because the person behind me in line at the supermarket could be the editor in chief of a magazine or my next big client. You never know!

Q. Do you plan to compete in the global market place? If yes, how? If no, why not?

A. Probably to some degree. Although most of my connections are in the US, I also have quite a few in the UK because their plus size industry is growing rapidly, too.

Q. Why is your business located at this site?

As of now, I don't have a physical office other than my home office because, thankfully, I can do all my work remotely via internet and phone.

Q. Whom do you seek advice from for your business?

I get advice from many sources, including other publicists, bloggers, journalists, designers, photographers, models, even my husband. Who I ask really depends on what specific advice I need.

Q. Do you have a business plan to operate your business?

A. Yes, I put together a business plan with the help of a local nonprofit organization called Center for Women in Enterprise. They are literally a goldmine of information and resources, many of which are free or very inexpensive. While it is not an easy thing to put together, I would absolutely recommend a business plan for any business because it helps you stay on track, especially financially.

Q. Does your business have a stated mission statement, the reason that this business exists?

A. Yes. "The goal of Medeiros Fashion PR is to give plus size designers, retailers, photographers, bloggers, etc, an equal voice in the fashion industry. We believe strongly in the concept of 'Jack of all trades, master of none' and we are truly masters in the plus size fashion industry, ensuring that each of our clients can benefit from every one of our connections and that every relationship we create and nurture is for their advancement."

Q. Do you have employees? How many?

A. Not yet. Right now, I'm wearing all the hats!

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