sultry reigns 1 | Page 110

Dark Orchid-Making everyone beautiful in their Skin

Dark Orchid was created by the brilliant brain child of Regina Long. I had pleasure to sit down and talk with her about her brand and what her inspiration was behind creating Dark Orchid.

The message behind her Dark Orchid brand is "to uplift and inspire dark skin women and men challenging them to love themselves by exhibiting love, luxury, beauty and strength." Currently finishing up her first year of business, she is making strides and trying to get her message out there. Regina is defining her success by giving women confidence. She got her inspiration from being at a friend's fashion show. She realized she could do fashion to let women know that they are beautiful. Her sister happened to be in the show along with her daughter and was told that being in the show gave her sister the confidence boost she needed.

She was asked what her goals were for her and the company in the next 5 years. She replied, "I would love to be in a building where I can hold support groups to help others with their insecurities and also like to include to her goals is writing a book and creating a commercial. I want to do things that will inspire many people. As being a business owner she believes her talent is her kindness and realizing that you can't please everyone and doing something that you love.

When asked about what skills or talents that would make her more successful it would be more networking and speaking up more. She would want to ask for advice and get more help in her business from others who have been in the same situation. She understands that people aren't mind readers and if you need help just ask.

I asked her what type of characteristics and skills would her dream have in her business. She

Business 110