Success Lifestyle Magazine Issue 1 - July 2018 | Page 22


I live by two philosophies which are closely related. The first is “Change your thinking, change your world.” I strongly believe that if you think positively and put your faith in God, your life will change. When she was going to beauty school and not earning an income she told her mother that she should get all the sleep she needed now because she’d have little time for sleep in the future. She’s now experiencing this reality.

The second is, “Life is only as good as your mindset.” Good things happen when you put in the work and think positively. You should do something each day towards making your dream real.

Finally, I have a motto that I fervently believe in and live by. It’s 3 words: loyalty, integrity, and humility.

Makeup is not a tool meant to make an ugly thing beautiful; it is only meant to magnify the beauty that already exists.