Subcutaneous Magazine Revenge 2017 | Page 63

person I ’ ve ever trusted . You ’ re the only person I ’ ve ever enjoyed being around . You ’ re my only friend . If you want to kill the bitch , I ’ ll help you .”
“ I believe you .” He did . Edward was , in addition to being a loyal friend , a disturbed and unhappy person . Sean had no problem believing he was capable of murder . “ I don ’ t think so though . I ’ d like to , but I love my dad and this is the only time I ’ ve seen him happy since mom died .”
“ Alright ,” said Edward , as if the topic had never been mentioned . “ More coffee ?”’
“ Yeah , thanks .” He hesitated , embarrassed , then continued . “ Ed . Thanks . You ’ re the only person I can talk to about this shit . You ’ re more like my family than my actual family . It means a lot .”
Edward nodded , looking equally embarrassed and went upstairs with the two mugs . Sean remained , listening to Slayer on the mix tape on Edward ’ s little stereo . While the rest of the world was delicately trying not to scratch their shiny new CDs , Ed was still buying , dubbing , and playing cassettes only . Blank tapes and broken cases were scattered and stacked over every surface , along with empty cans of Jolt soda being used as ashtrays . Slayer ended and an unpronounceable title by Carcass came on . Sean pulled his feet up onto the chair and sat on them for warmth . Ed ’ s basement was always cold . Ed returned with the coffee and sat down . “ I got an idea .” “ Uh oh ,” said Sean . “ Just an idea , let me know what you think . Blood brothers .” “ Blood brothers ?” “ Yeah ,” said Edward . “ You ’ re the only real family I have . I know it ’ s kinda lame , but I want to make it official . Make us blood brothers .”
“ Alright ,” said Sean . He was actually flattered by the proposition and a little excited .
“ How do we do it ?” “ Easy ,” said Edward . “ Come upstairs .
We can do it now .”
“ I think it ’ s stopped bleeding ,” said
Sean . “ Yeah , I ’ d say it ’ s been long enough .
Wouldn ’ t you ?”
“ I think so . Your blood got into mine , my blood got into yours . That ’ s all it takes , right ?”
“ Yes .” Edward started to unwind the cord he ’ d wrapped around their arms . Blood had soaked through it in spots , but not enough to make much mess . As they pried their sticky forearms apart , flakes of dry blood fluttered loose , falling like dark snow . “ We ’ re brothers now . My blood flows in yours and yours in mine .”
They hugged . It was a real hug , one of the only embraces either boy had ever known that was void of pretense , obligation and hesitance .
Sean stared at the email , feeling and remembering . These were both sensations he tried to avoid , but in the face of the message they were unavoidable . He hadn ’ t seen or heard from Ed in years . Sitting at his laptop at his kitchen table , the world they shared seemed more imagined than remembered , as if separated by more than time .
“ What is it ?” Asked Dawn . “ You look upset .”
“ Email ,” he said distantly , then snapped back into the present . “ No , not upset . Just an email an old friend of mine . I ’ ve told you about Edward , right ?”
“ The guy who was into all the Satan stuff ?”
“ That ’ s the one .” Sean smiled a little sadly at the recollection . Edward had taken