Subcutaneous Magazine Revenge 2017 | Page 50

Ivy got dressed and left , not saying a word to anyone . The other girls in the dressing room were silent , not wanting to be involved . Ivy shoved her way through after getting dressed , leaving down the back stair case and into the dark night .
Ivy walked toward Chinatown , knowing Bao would want a report of the last two days . She ’ d have to tell tell them what she learned from Simone as well , which seemed trivial now that she was gone .
“ Ivy !” someone shouted . She turned to see Crossan , sprinting toward her .
“ Hi , Crossan ,” Ivy said . “ Sorry I ran out on you . Seeing Simone like that , though …”
“ Look ,” Crossan said . “ I ’ m leaving New York , and I want you to come with me .”
“ What ?” Ivy said . “ Why ?” She suddenly realized she was talking as if Crossan was a real human , forgetting for the moment that he was a demon in a man ’ s flesh mask .
“ There ’ s going to be a coup against my master tomorrow ,” Crossan said . “ They are coming to kill him and his soldiers at the Flaming Ruby . You cannot be there . Come with me , and I will protect you .”
Ivy saw clearly what was going on . Crossan had become attached , and he wanted her alive and to himself . Then , something occurred to her . “ Who is coming ?” she asked .
“ They call him a rebel ,” Crossan said . “ But there are those like me who respect the one called Lannus .”
Bao sat , staring at Ivy intently , the two men who usually joined him on either side . Anna sat near Ivy , allowing her to tell the story of what had happened during the last two days .
“ Did you ask her about Lannus ?” Bao asked .
Ivy had left that part out intentionally , and she looked away when asked about it . “ Yes ,” she said .
“ You should not have done that ,” Anna said . “ Simone was likely killed because - ”
“ We were alone in her apartment when I asked ,” Ivy snapped . “ She wasn ’ t killed because I asked her about Lannus .”
“ There is more than just coincidence at play here ,” Bao said , his hands folded just under his chin . “ If your friend was killed because you told her the name of the demon you seek , then the attack could be a fabrication to draw us out .”
“ They can ’ t know of us !” Bao ’ s associate shouted . “ We have no leaks unless it ’ s her .” The associate looked Ivy up and down , frowning . “ This ... girl you sent into their den .”
Ivy felt herself get hot . “ I came back here after my friend was killed in front of me , in case you haven ’ t noticed !” she snapped , rising from her chair . “ My loyalty has always been to you people . I asked her about Lannus . I did not tell her about your organization .”
“ No ,” Anna said , giving Ivy a serious look . “ Your loyalty has always been to your own vengeance , and that is why I trust you are being honest with us .”
Ivy crossed her arms and sat back down . She couldn ’ t tell if what Anna had just said was a compliment or an insult .
“ Either way ,” Bao continued , “ we are blessed with an opportunity we have not seen before . There will be a civil war within the ranks of the demons , and we know where it is going to happen . We can capitalize , taking out both sides while they fight amongst themselves .” “ And if it ’ s a trap ?” Boa ’ s associate asked . “ Then it is a trap ,” Bao said . “ I cannot sit back and do nothing . We sent Ivy into their den for this purpose , and her time there seems to be at its end . Her life is likely in danger if we do not move . We owe her that much for sending her on