Style Life And Music THE POWER ISSUE | Page 35

DJ Precise, Mixer for Power 106 Hip Hop Station, Los Angeles, CA SM: Thank you for joining us. DP: Of course! Thank you for having me, I appreciate it. I’m excited! It’s been a long time coming! SM: I know right! A lot of things have been happening. So we are going to play a game called 7-7-7. We are going to go down questions that has anything to do with style, and I know you got a lot of style! DP: My style is not exactly on point, but I’ll try my best (laughing). I’m trying here! SM: I already know you can give us some tips. Then, seven things about your life. And we’re going to go deep! I’m just kidding! And then obviously the things that you are most talented with, music. So that will be the main topic. I guess we will go ahead and start with that topic. So, first question for 7-7-7, in the music category is… I feel like Alex Trebec right now. $200 for music is… Since you are a DJ, obviously we are going to go with music. DP: (laughing) Let’s go, let’s go, I’m ready. SM: Tell me about musical influences, past, present and future! DP: Who influenced me? I started because my cousins, they were actually DJs. Growing up, my cousins and I, used to idolize them. They taught me when I was about ten, eleven years old. I just fell in love with it back then. They