Study Abroad Programs Classroom Excursion Catalog | Page 40

If you ’ re a U . S . high school graduate looking for global education , these programs offer a year-long academic exchange with a partner university abroad .
Unique short-term group travel opportunities for those ages 19 and up . Enjoy set itineraries and group leaders who will ensure you get the most of the exchange experience .
Hosting a YFU international exchange student is a life-changing experience , not only for the student , but for your entire family . By opening your mind and heart to a student from another country , your family will gain a new global perspective , many memories and a new family member for life !


YFU offers over 200 full and partial merit-based scholarships and needs-based financial aid to students every year .
YFU has been selected to administer more government and corporate scholarships than any other high school exchange organization , awarding more than $ 2 million in partial or full study abroad scholarships annually . These scholarships allow students to get the financial support they need to make exchange experiences possible .
See our full list of scholarship opportunities and eligibility at yfuusa . org / scholarships .
Get your students and school involved with YFU : ə ə Nominate your students for scholarships and programs ə ə Talk to your school administrators and school board about YFU and hosting exchange students ə ə Be a YFU Volunteer ə ə Host a seminar or speak at a PTA meeting about the benefits of hosting a YFU student ə ə Contact your local media about the impact that welcoming a student can have on your community ə ə Be a constant voice and advocate of YFU
Visit yfuusa . org / educators to learn more !

I am proud to say I am a Youth For Understanding Alumna . I was awarded the Congress-Bundestag scholarship in 2010 and spent one year in Karlsruhe , Germany . It wasn ’ t easy being away from family and out of my “ comfort zone ,” but the benefits and opportunities from living in Germany far outweighed the challenges . I not only grew to love and understand the German people and culture , but also learned a great deal about myself and what I wanted in life .
In addition to scholarships , students may wish to pursue their own fundraising activities prior to their exchange . Learn more today on how fundraising can lead to a life-changing cultural exchange experience at yfuusa . org / safundraising !
37 – YFU Classroom Excursions
Mary Katherine Pulliam , U . S . to Germany YFU Alum