THE STUDENT ASSOCIATION WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Introducing... the Student Association team! Angela Alexander, STUDENT PRESIDENT A bit about Angela... HI, I AM ANGELA, STUDENT PRESIDENT AT ACSA (AYRSHIRE COLLEGE STUDENT ASSOCIATION). One of my main priorities this year is ensuring that you have a voice and your feedback is valued through the class rep structures and our new feedback system, You said….We did together! The Student Association have been busy throughout the summer months organising and planning the year ahead. We have loads of events planned and we hope that you will get involved. new structure to ensure effective leadership and cross campus events and initiatives therefore enhancing the student experience. Due to this we will have a new Student Vice President Holly Bates! If you have any suggestions for events please come and speak to us in any of the Student Association offices and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates. After consultation the Student Association introduced a 4 THE STUDENT VOICE: AUTUMN 2015