COLLEGE NEWS e l t s i h w e Blow th ign campa A GROUP OF SPORT STUDENTS HANDED OVER £157 TO EAST AYRSHIRE WOMEN’S AID, WHICH WAS RAISED FROM THEIR SUCCESSFUL BLOW THE WHISTLE 5-A-SIDE FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT IN DECEMBER. The tournament took place as part of the White Ribbon Scotland campaign, which raises awareness of domestic abuse towards women. A startling statistic is that at least 1 in 5 women in Scotland will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. As well as the football tournament at Townholm, students received donations through a raffle. Judy Ferguson, Training and Prevention Worker at East Ayrshire Women’s Aid, told the students “This money will go directly to supporting women and children who have experienced domestic abuse. To get additional funding is fabulous as it allows us to offer enhanced services and provide support to young men and women aged under 19, and women over that age. It will make a big difference to the women and children we support.” Well done to everyone involved in such a fantastic campaign. Charity Football Match A CHARITY FIVE-A-SIDE FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT ORGANISED BY THE NPA CORE SKILLS CLASS IN AYR HAS RAISED £50 FOR CLIC SARGENT! The tournament took place at the University of the West of Scotland’s games hall. Four teams entered and the event was settled in the final by a penalty shootout! One of the organisers commented “Everyone involved was right up for it – it couldn’t have gone any better. I’d like to thank Kieran and Martin, the referees for the day, and students who came down from Townholm to officiate. They are training to be referees and they did a tremendous job.” The group discussed which charity should benefit from their fundraising efforts and settled on Clic Sargent after reading about the great work that they do. Organising and taking part in the tournament allowed the students of the NPA Core Skills class to pass their ‘Working with Others’ module.   THE STUDENT VOICE: SPRING 2016 21