Student-Parent Handbook Handbook 2018-08-20 | Page 27

� electronic medium , such as text , audio , photos or videos . Examples of this behavior include , but are not limited to : o Sending / posting false , cruel , hurtful or vicious messages / comments . o Creating or contributing to websites that have stories , cartoons , pictures and jokes ridiculing others . o
Breaking into an e-mail account and sending vicious or embarrassing materials to others . o Engaging someone in electronic communication , tricking that person into revealing sensitive personal information and forwarding that information to others . o Posting of a student picture without their permission . Any electronic communication that creates a hostile , disruptive environment on the school campus is a violation of the student ’ s and of the staff member ’ s right to be safe and secure . Actions deliberately threatening , harassing or intimidating an individual or group of individuals ; placing an individual in reasonable fear of harm ; damaging an individual ’ s property ; or disrupting the orderly operation of the school will not be tolerated . The iPads that are provided by Brother Rice continue to be the property of the school . Therefore , the school has the right to view all content at any time . Any electronic device used on the school network , even if privately owned , is subject to all policies and consequences of the Acceptable Use Policy , including the right to view the content of the device at any time , the right to remove content from the device and the right to retain the device in the school ’ s possession if there is an infraction to the Acceptable Use Policy that deserves that consequence , as determined by the schools ’ administration .
Copyright �
duplication ,
installation ,
alteration or destruction of data programs ,
hardware , or software is prohibited .
Data , programs , hardware , software and other
duplicated .
� Brother Rice reserves the right to enforce appropriate consequences for the violation of any section of the Acceptable Use Policy , including all disciplinary action up to and including expulsion .
� Violation of any aforementioned policy may result in individualized password protected restrictions being placed on student device for an extended period of time as determined by the administration .
� These consequences apply to students participating in the iPad program at Brother Rice as well as to students who are using the school ’ s iPads on campus .
� Any iPad with illegal or inappropriate apps or materials on it will be reformatted or “ reimaged ” and the student will be charged a fee .
� In the case of repeated iPad abuse and / or damages , Brother Rice has the right to revoke
� the use of the school ’ s Apple iPad and the student will be restricted to using it only oncampus . Repeated Acceptable Use Policy offenses or iPad abuses may lead to the loss of a student ’ s privilege of using an iPad on campus . Students are to report any known violations of this policy to appropriate administrative staff members . Random checks of student iPads may be conducted throughout the year to ensure that these policies are being followed . Brother Rice takes no responsibility for activities conducted on the iPads , for materials stored on the iPad or on the school ’ s network . Brother Rice reserves the right to contact law enforcement when it believes a law has been broken . Students with repeated Acceptable Use Policy violations may , at the discretion of the administration , have password protected iPad restrictions placed on their devices for a specified amount of time limiting usage strictly to educational needs .
iPad Repair Policy
� The Brother Rice Apple iPad Use Agreement signed by students and parents at orientation indicates that if an iPad is defective in any way , it must be immediately turned in to the IT Department for repair .
Repair Fees � 1 st damage : $ 50 � 2 nd damage : $ 100 � �
3 rd or more : Market rate Any damage resulting from improper case use will result in an additional $ 50 fee .
Additional Costs Incurred by Students / Parents � Replacement Case : $ 5-60 depending on which parts are to be replaced � Replacement Cost for iPad in the event of loss / theft : $ 400-600.00 � Reconfiguration due to student violation of
Acceptable Use Policy : $ 50.00 per incident
Withdrawal from School Upon withdrawal from Brother Rice High School the iPad and any outstanding tuition / fees must be settled prior to taking final exams and / or posting final grades .
Hours of Operation
School Hours : � M , T , Th , F ……………... 7:50am – 2:53pm � Wednesday ................… 7:50am – 1:49pm
Business Hours : � School Days ………..…. 7:30am – 4:00pm � Summer …………......… 8:00am – 2:00pm
Visitors and Guests All doors are locked during normal school hours and visitors must enter the building through the front entrance . There is a call button near the entrance allowing the visitor to contact the main office and explain to the receptionist what business is to be conducted . After being admitted , all visitors must report to the Main Office to sign in and get a visitor pass . Prior to leaving the building , visitors are to sign out and return the visitor pass .
Contacting Students