Student Ministries MSMBrochure-2017-FINAL | Page 3

When someone wants to make a change they say they’re going to “shake it up.” To shake things up means to do things in a new and different way. The church in Acts chose a path completely unique to the rest of the world. Following Jesus meant that they were intentionally different from the world around them. However, this allowed them to shake up their world. By following the teaching of Jesus rather than the conventions of the world they transformed thousands of lives. God’s calling is the same for Christians today as it was in the book of Acts, the call to a radical new way of life. Through the power of the Holy Spirit early Christians shook things up and we can too. In this brochure you’ll find the dates and details for various events, Bible memory verses for Wednesday nights and answers to some frequently asked questions. Take a moment to explore this brochure & pray through how God may be encouraging you to do great things through His power this year. 3