Student Handbooks JFK Student Handbook 2017-2018 | Page 7

Upon return from an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to ask teachers what materials and information have been missed and to make arrangements to make up lost work. Work is to be made up within a timeframe worked out between the teacher and the student. Generally, a student is given a day for each day absent to make up the work Red House and Homeroom 39 Mrs. Grinuk 860-763-8863 White House and Homerooms 34 & 40 Mrs. Melendez 860-763-8867 Blue House Mrs. Havourd 860-763-8865 TARDINESS Tardy to school is defined as a student that enters the school building after the start of the school day or homeroom period. Ensuring that a student arrives to school on time is a parental responsibility. If a student arrives late to school, they need to report to the school office/house office to sign in. The student needs to bring a signed note from a parent(s)/guardian(s) to explain their tardiness. TRUANCY “Truant” shall mean a student age five to eighteen, inclusive, who has four unexcused absences in any one month, or ten unexcused absences in one school year. Students who stay out of school for an entire school day without parental or school consent are considered truant. Students will receive a zero (0) for all schoolwork on the day of truancy and may be cause for disciplinary action, suspension, parent/guardian conferences, counseling and the use of community services to address student needs. EARLY DISMISSAL Any dismissial from school can only be authorized by the school office or building administrator(s). Parent(s)/guardian(s) that wish their child to be dismissed early should send the student to school with a signed note stating the time of dismissal. This note should be presented to the school admiinistration before homeroom period or in the morning on the day of the dismissal. Parent(s)/guardian(s) are to sign out their child in the main office. For the protection and safety of the student, dismissals are routinely made only to the parent(s)/guardian(s) of that student. If there are special circumstances that necessitate someone other than the parent(s)/guardian(s) to pick up the student, their name should be stated in the dismissal note. NO SCHOOL/DELAYED OPENINGS In case school is canceled because of snow or any other reason, an announcement will be made over local radio/TV stations, social media, you can call the snow line at 253-5170 or sign up for a School Messenger robo call. Should a 2 hour delay occur, JFK will open at 9:48 A.M. and the busses will run 2 hours later than usual. Dismissal will be at 2:36 P.M. DISCIPLINE The Enfield Public Schools’ discipline policy (5131) governs student behavior in all Enfield Schools and will be sent home during the first week of school. 7