Student Handbooks JFK Student Handbook 2017-2018 | Page 44

Bullying Verified? Yes ___ No ____ Remedial Action(s) Taken: ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ If Bullying Verified, Has Notification Been Made to Parents of Students Involved? Parents’ Parents’ Parents’ Parents’ Names: Names: Names: Names: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Date Date Date Date Sent: Sent: Sent: Sent: ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ If Bullying Verified, Have Invitation to Meetings Been Sent to Parents of Students Involved? Parents’ Parents’ Parents’ Parents’ Names: Names: Names: Names: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Date Date Date Date Sent: Sent: Sent: Sent: ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ Date of Meetings: _______________________________ _______________________________ If Bullying Verified, Has School Developed Student Safety Support/Intervention Plan? Y N Name of Investigator: _________________________________ Date: ________________ (Attach bullying complaint and witness statements. If bullying is verified, attach notification to parents of students involved, invitations to parent meetings, and records of parent meetings). 1 5