Student Handbooks JFK Student Handbook 2017-2018 | Page 19

administrators will make frequent visits to all town schools during regular school hours. The visits may be random or scheduled. Officers will be highly visible to the students and staff. These officers are not to be assigned to patrol school buildings and grounds without the expressed approval of the Board of Education. Their function in community policing is to interact socially and informally with students, administrators, faculty, and staff. At the same time the Board recognizes that police officers are sworn to uphold the law, and thus compelled to react officially to any criminal activities they witness or are called upon to investigate while they are on school premises even in community policing or unofficial capacities. References: Connecticut General Statutes Sections 1O-233a through lO-233i (Statutes relating to School Discipline and Security.) Enfield Police Department General Orders. Adopted: January 8, 1963 Revised: April 8, 1997 ENFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION ENFIELD, CONNECTICUT TRANSPORTATION OF STUDENTS 3545.1 I. Transportation of Students 7 The Board of Education will provide transportation for pupils under provisions of state law and regulations. The superintendent of schools shall administer the operation. Transportation by private carrier may be provided whenever such practice is more economical than using school district-owned/leased facilities. Parents may be reimbursed for transportation of eligible pupils whenever such practice is more economical or convenient. A. Eligibility Resident public and private nonprofit school pupils living outside of the defined walking limits (subparagraph 1. below), based on the most direct route from the pupil's home beginning at a point at the curb or edge of a public road or highway nearest the home to the edge of the school property or bus pickup areas, will be furnished transportation by the Board of Education. Pupils will be eligible for school transportation if one or more of the following criteria are present: 1. The walking distance for the pupil, either to school or to the nearest bus stop, is in excess of the following distances: (a) For pupils enrolled in grades K through 3, up to one (1) mile; (b) For students enrolled grades 4 through 6 one and one quarter (1.25) miles; (c) For pupils enrolled in grades 7 through 12, one and one half (1.5) miles. 19