Student Handbooks JFK Student Handbook 2017-2018 | Page 18

Whenever possible in cases involving students, administrators or their designees are expected to be present to witness all police activity. Designees will be judiciously assigned by administrators to accommodate the best interests and comfort of the students. Finally, the relationship extends the Board of Education's cooperation with the efforts of the Enfield Police Department's Community Policing program. A. Police response to calls originating in the schools. All calls to police should be made with the approval of the building administrator. Normally such approval will be prior to any call. If an emergency call must be made, the principal should be notified immediately afterward. 1) Emergency calls - Should a case arise when school officials determine they do not have the capacity or expertise to manage a situation safely, they may decide to call the Enfield Police for assistance. 2) Non-emergency calls directly involving the presence of suspects - Police may be summoned by school personnel to situations wherein criminal offense may have been committed on school grounds; for example, smoking in a public building, disorderly conduct, assault, or discovery of drugs or alcohol. In cases where an identified suspect is involved, the police action is subject to the formal instructions contained in the Enfield Police Department General Orders, particularly Chapter 44 regarding Juvenile Operations insofar as they accurately reflect applicable statutes. In cases involving the apprehension, questioning, and arrest of adults, the administrator(s) or designee(s) are responsible to assure that police actions occur with as much order and decorum as possible to avoid a disturbance affecting students and staff who are otherwise not directly involved. 3) Non-emergency calls not involving the presence of suspects - In other situations, police may be summoned to investigate a condition in which no identifiable suspect is immediately and directly involved; for example an instance of vandalism or burglary. The building administrators will cooperate with the police in making the complaint and filing the appropriate reports. B. Police questioning of students in school Individual students or employees of the Enfield School system may from time to time become proper subjects of police interrogation as complainants, victims, witnesses, or suspects in matters not directly connected to their status in the school system. Normally, such interrogations should occur off school grounds o