Student Handbook StudentHandbook 6.11 | Page 4

PLACES YOU SHOULD KNOW AT HARRISON . . . The Main Office is located at the clock tower entrance. In this main office, you will find the following people and services...         Principal Principal's Secretary Bookkeeper Curriculum and Scheduling School Resource Officer (Campus Police Officer) AP Testing Report Cards Lost and Found The Attendance Office is located in room 402 on the 400 hallway near the intersection with Main Street. This office handles...      Student Check Out/Check In Attendance Lockers Certificate of Enrollment ADAP Records The Athletics Office is located at the corner of the 500 and 800 hallways. This office handles...        Parking Athletic Eligibility Athletics Fundraising Partners in Education Facility Reservations Pep Rally Liaison The Admin Office/Learning Commons is located in the back of the Learning Commons. This office handles…       Response to Intervention (RTI) 504s Student Information Folders ESOL Prom Webmaster Office 801 is located at the corner of the 100 and 800 hallways. This office handles...         STEM Bus Information Textbooks Exam Exemptions Technology Herff Jones Liaison Graduation School Pictures 4