Student Handbook StudentHandbook 6.11 | Page 19

STUDENT DRESS CODE Modesty and decency of dress is stressed at Harrison High School. There is a direct relationship between dress, grooming, conduct, and success in school. Students are expected to dress and groom themselves with the formality of school in mind. Students need to make responsible decisions about how to dress appropriately for different situations such as school, work, church, recreation, and other activities. 1. All students of the Cobb County School System shall be required to maintain the level of personal hygiene necessary to ensure a healthful school environment and to refrain from any mode of dress which proves to contribute to any disruption of school functions. 2. All students of the Cobb County School System are encouraged to observe a standard of grooming and dress consistent with the level of formality of the school situation. 3. Admin istrators and teachers shall enforce the dress code policy. The principal or his designee shall be the final judge as to the appropriateness, neatness, and cleanliness of the apparel, or whether or not apparel is disruptive, distracting, or in violation of the dress code. 4. All students shall maintain an acceptable standard of dress. The minimum standard of dress for students is as follows:  Shoes shall be worn at all times. No bedroom shoes or slippers are permitted.  Clothing or ornamentation displaying or advertising substances illegal for minors is prohibited. Suggestive phrases, designs, markings, or profanities are also prohibited.  Shirts must cover the upper torso, front and back, from the shoulders to just below the waist. No undergarments may be visible at any time.  Appropriate undergarments are required. Undergarments, including boxer shorts, should not be visible.  No headgear of any kind is permitted in the building. This includes hats, caps, bandannas, headbands, sweat-bands, and hoods.  Shorts, skirts and dresses must be of an acceptable length. o The length of shorts, skirts, and dresses must extend to mid-thigh.  Pajama pants may not be worn.  Pants and trousers must fit with no sagging that exposes undergarments. Pants must be secured around the waist. Students are expected to adhere to the above guidelines when dressing for school. IF THERE IS ANY DOUBT ABOUT THE APPROPRIATENESS OF AN ITEM, PLEASE DO NOT WEAR IT! DRESS CODE VIOLATIONS Students will not be allowed to attend class improperly dressed. Dress code violations are cumulative for both semesters. First Offense – Student will be given a warning. Second Offense – Student will receive a Saturday School. Third and Subsequent Offenses - Student will receive two days of Saturday School for insubordination. 19