Student Handbook StudentHandbook 2 14 | Page 23

Students shall not use personal technology devices to access chat rooms/social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram during the regular school day. Students shall not use audio or visual recording devices without the permission of a school administrator or as permitted by Rule CFIA (Monitoring-Recording Staff and Students). This includes, but is not limited to, using recording devices to video or record misbehaviors or to violate the privacy of others. First offense of cell phone use during instructional time will be one day of Saturday School. Harrison is not responsible for lost, damaged, stolen, or misplaced electronic communication devices. Students found using a cell phone during class time, in the hallways or in the bathrooms will be assigned a Saturday School. Students are allowed to use their phones before school, after school and during their lunch periods. DELIVERIES TO STUDENTS Please refrain from having parents drop off various forgotten items for pick-up/delivery to the Attendance Office. We have many students at Harrison and simply do not have the time or space to hold the many items that can come in on a daily basis for delivery to students. We also will not be held responsible for the security or assured delivery of items left for students. Only emergency items can be left in the Attendance Office. All deliveries of flowers/balloons and fast food to students is strictly prohibited. Students are not allowed to carry balloons on the buses. DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE Students who desire to distribute or display literature at Harrison High School must present copies of such literature to the principal or his designee for review and approval at least 48 hours in advance of distribution. Individuals not directly connected with the school must obtain permission of the principal not less than three school days in advance of distribution. The principal will decide the time, place, and manner of distribution of all materials. (JHC-R School Clubs/Organizations and Student Organizations) FINANCIAL INFORMATION Any business transaction or agreement involving the name of Carl Harrison High School must have prior approval and written signature of the principal. FIRST AID/MEDICINE/MEDICAL NEEDS/PRESCRIPTION DRUGS A registered nurse is on duty from 8:30 to 3:15 each day. Students who become ill during the school day should report to the clinic (across from the Attendance Office in the 400 Hall), and a call will be made to a parent. This is necessary in order for a student to be made excused for illness if that is deemed appropriate. Students need to refrain from calling/texting their parents using their cell phones when they feel ill. (JGCD-1 School Nursing/Clinic Procedures/JGCD-R Medications) If a student is in possession of any medication containing a controlled substance and does not have a letter on file from a parent/guardian, the student will be subject to out of school suspension according to Cobb County Board Policy JICDA-H pertaining to possession of illegal/controlled substances. Any prescribed medication in a student’s possession must have his /her name on the prescription bottle. Also, the medication must be in its original prescribed packaging. Please let the nurse register the medication in the nurse’s control book. 23