STRIVE Vol 7 Issue 1 | Page 7

Student Ar cles AI the next big thing in SCM Here are some ways in which Artificial intelligence will improve the efficiency of supply chain planning: Streamlining processes in Supply Chain Planning The businesses counting on mechanical ways of handling their supply chain planning process face consequences of a tedious distribution management systems that handle multiple operations vulnerable to human error. The process of manually distinguishing stock levels, estimating optimal replenishment cycle, and fulfilling orders are slow and prone to inaccuracy. AI systems would be able to scan through large amounts of historical information to streamline every facet of supply chain planning from demand to inventory to supply. Handling supply Chain Disruptions Supply chain professionals are human beings and human beings tend to stay to things that they are acquainted with. On the contrary, AI wouldn't be caught up with any pre- conceived notion, and act strictly on the premise of information available to them and past-outcomes of decisions. To Illustrate, IBM recently launched Watson supply Chain, which considers infinite sources of data comprising of social media, weather forecasts, historical information, and newsfeeds, and uses cognitive technology to track and predict supply chain disruptions to recommend the most effective course of action. Logistics optimisation Apart from forecasting and scheduling functions of supply chain planning, firms are trying to use AI into technologies such as driverless cars to optimize the process of logistics planning. The arrival of autonomous vehicles might considerably improve accuracy, decrease lead times, cut back transportation costs, and save human labour costs. For example, Artificial intelligence technology of TransVoyant is in a position of gathering information from satellites, radars, sensors, and smartphones to track real- time movement of products and estimate the time of arrival by considering various factors such as weather conditions, port congestion, and natural disasters. There are firms that specialize in providing end-to-end logistics solutions for Supply Chain Management. Such firms design, assemble and market autonomous and driver assistance software and systems for automotive and industrial applications. To increase the benefits of automotive applications, there are devices that boost driver awareness, along with providing partial, conditional and full autonomy. To enhance industrial applications, such firms give autonomous mobile robots for end-to-end warehouse logistics. IBM Watson Supply Chain Volume 7 issue 1 November 2017 6