STRIVE July 2017 | Page 8

this creates a safer environment for asking and responding to challenging or provocative questions. With offices worldwide, our new employees require flex- ibility to work collaboratively from any location and on any device. It’s important that we scaffold this flexibility with a platform that works on their preferred device without sacri- ficing the quality of the new employee experience. The Adobe Connect mobile app enables us to engage any employee with the same rich experience in a consistent, scalable way without compromise. New employees respond Another advantage of leveraging Adobe Connect as the digital platform to support Adobe Life Orientation is the re- sulting data, analytics and insights. We track engagement and measure employee sentiment both during the experience itself and with a follow-up survey to check in with new employees after they’ve settled in. Throughout the experience, we see nearly all new hires ac- tively participate by taking polls, responding to questions via the various chat pods, or engaging with the hosts or other new hires directly. When compared with even smaller face-to-face classroom sessions, participation in our digital experience is considerably higher through the multichannel options for communication and engagement. And it’s not just a spike in the quantity of interactions we observe, but also quality. According to 2017 Adobe Life Ori- entation surveys: • • • • 96% connected with the company’s core values of being genuine, exceptional, innovative, and involved. 87% had a better understanding of the overall company strategy 83% cited the virtual onboarding experience as highly engaging 83% understood how our check-in performance frame- work will enable their success Additionally, we’re getting resoundingly positive quali- tative feedback from new employees. Their perspective and insights validates our direction as we reimagine learning and talent development in richer, more immersive digital experi- ences. Adopting a digital model for delivering Adobe Life Ori- entation has provided significant breakthroughs in creating meaningful, personal, development experiences for employees in a way that’s uniquely Adobe. From their earliest days, we can validate first impressions and generate a level of excite- ment about Adobe and the tools we use every day, giving our new employees greater confidence to pursue collaborative, global success. Moreover, we’re not just telling new em- ployees what makes Adobe special, we are allowing them to experience it firsthand, having them co-author the employee experience itself. For more information, download the Adobe case study: Justin is the head of digital learning at Adobe. His team is responsible for delivering a diverse and scalable ecosystem of digital learning experiences for Adobe employees worldwide including on-demand learning content, virtual classroom experiences and learning management platform technologies. Justin Mass Director, Digital Learning & Innovation Adobe 8 July 2017