String Of Pearls October 2013 | Page 6

Guy Vs. Girl

What’s the first thing you notice about a girl? By Jody Sparks

Let me just say, that this question can be answered in many different ways. It all depends on the person you're asking, and on the girl in question. But I'll do my best to answer honestly, and accurately.

Guys are visual people for the most part. We like looking at pretty things. That's why all of our cars are so shiny. And why modesty is such a prevalent issue. So in the end, it depends on the girl, or more importantly, what she's wearing. If a girl is wearing a revealing shirt, there are things that a guys attention will be drawn to immediately.

I work in fast food, and there are many customers who I wish it wasn't the first thing I notice. However, there are also many customers who are dressed appropriately, and are covering themselves up. And when there is nothing to draw my attention away, the first thing I've always noticed is a girls eyes.

The question isn't "What's the very first thing you notice about a girl" it's, "What's the very first thing you girls want to have noticed about you"? Because any guy will notice what you let him notice. If you're wearing revealing clothes, I can guarantee that the first thing he'll notice won't be your eyes. Even if he intends on looking you in the eyes, if he has to decide to keep his eyes up, he's already noticed. He's just choosing not to look.

By Jody Sparks

What’s the first thing you notice about a guy?


It's all about making a good first impression. And how you act around other people is usually what decides that for me.

Is he a positive person, or a cynic?

Is he kind, and considerate around other people?

How does he treat the people around him?

And the big one- What's his personality like?

A first impression, for me, is always about their personality. However, sometimes character can be deceiving. So Ladies, when you're on the lookout for a guy, make sure his character is in check!

"Do not be deceived: Bad company corrupts good morals." -1 Corinthians 15:33 NASB

Character, and personality are two of the most important-and most noticeable- traits on anyone. So that's definitely what I notice first!

By Carley Davis

