Strictly Marketing Magazine February March 2017 Volume 3 Issue 1 | Page 3

9 Facebook Advertising Do ' s And Don ' ts

Facebook advertising isn ’ t necessarily rocket science , but it could feel like it if you ’ re just getting started .

To avoid putting in too much effort , and blowing through your budget , here are some basic do ’ s and don ’ ts you can use to make sure your advertisements are focused on a specific target audience , and that you ’ re going to get the most bang for your advertising buck .
Do : Use a clear title that gives them something . Your headline is one of the most important pieces of the text you ’ ll use when it comes to writing your ads . It ’ s your first chance at grabbing the customer by their brain , luring them into what you have to say , and letting them know that you can solve a problem they ’ re having .
The best strategy to use is to make sure your headline is very specific , talking to a single person that you ’ ve identified with a customer avatar . Do not toss out general statements , and do not make the headline about you or your business .
Do : Use a high-quality image that instantly grabs their attention . When people are on Facebook , they ’ re in an endless scrolling pattern that needs to be interrupted if you want a chance to sell them on your products or services .
Getting their attention can be easy if you choose the right image in your advertising . You don ’ t just want to use any image though . General pictures are not going to portray the problem you ’ re trying to solve for them .
Instead , focus on something that speaks directly to them , that they ’ ll relate to , and that also relates to the advertisement you ’ ve created .
Do : Only include information specific to their problem . The advertisements that people click on are very specific in nature . They ’ re addressing one single problem that the user is having , and painting a picture of what life is going to be like after they let your business solve that problem for them .
They ’ re not general storytelling sessions about how great you are . They ’ re also not a huge wall of text that discourages users as soon as they click “ Continue reading …”. If the visitor sees a wall of text , or a bunch of text that doesn ’ t pertain to them , you ’ re going to lose their attention .
Do : Use a single objective on your landing page . For your advertising to be successful , you need to make sure that it ties in perfectly with your landing page . You want to talk about a problem you ’ re solving on the advertisement , and then use the copy on your landing page to help continue where you left off on Facebook .
Make sure that your landing page is relevant , and create new advertisements and new landing pages for different audiences .
Strictly Marketing Magazine February / March 2017 3