Strengthening Communities Where We Live, Work, and Play | Page 10

Breast and Cervical Cancer Colorectal Cancer Cancer Symptom/Self-Management Costellia Talley, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC Kelly Brittain, PhD, RN Barbara Given, PhD, RN, FAAN Rebecca Lehto, PhD, RN, OCN Research focused on improving health disparities and addressing barriers to health promotion of underserved women while promoting breast and cervical cancer screening. Study of health promotion and risk reduction interventions using mobile technology and social media to help women, approaching age 50, make informed decisions about colorectal cancer screening. Study of an automated symptom monitoring intervention designed to help cancer patients assess and self-manage symptoms from home, leading to a reduction in symptom severity, number of symptoms, and overall symptom burden. Research focused on advancing the science relative to the identification of cognitive and affective factors that contribute to vulnerability; and to develop supportive interventions, using cognitively mediated strategies such as meditation to promote symptom management and adaptation to cancer. Policy and Prevention for Elderly Populations Nursing Home Placement Prevention and Home Care Diabetes and Cancer Elder Abuse Denise Hershey, PhD, RN, FNP-BC Sandra Spoelstra, PhD, RN Carolyn E. Ziminski Pickering, PhD, RN Research focused on self and symptom management of adults with multi-morbidities, specifically patients with cancer and diabetes, to improve quality of life and health-related outcomes. Translation of evidence-based research on improving physical function and depressive symptoms, reducing pain, managing medications, and improving communication with clinicians to delay or prevent nursing home placement in older vulnerable adults who desire to age-inplace in the community. Study of elder abuse and neglect, focusing on the potential for interventions aimed at occupational and safety issues, workplace violence, nursing education at all levels, and public policy on the role of nurses in reporting. Prevention and Disease Management for Cancer Patients Adherence to Oral Cancer Therapies Barbara Given, PhD, RN, FAAN Study of the effectiveness of an automated medication reminder system for cancer patients treated with oral anti-cancer medications in the home setting. 10 Sandra Spoelstra, PhD, RN Research to examine interventions to promote self-management in medication adherence, symptom management, and prevention of drug interactions in adult cancer patients prescribed oral anticancer agents. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING • NURSING.MSU.EDU 11