StreetMusicMagazine Volume 8 Producer issue | Page 13

SMM : How can your fans and new listeners hear more of Slimm-Bay’B?

Slimm Bay'B : To all my fans, Subscribe to my YouTube channel , Slimm-Bay'B


SMM : What kind of advice can you give to a young female artist?

Slimm Bay'B : Some advice I am able to give is, whether you think you can or you think you can't, You're Right… Never give up.

SMM : What’s next for Slimm-Bay’B?

Slimm- Bay'B : So I'm working on this huge project with the Legendary MGeezy, I'm super excited about it, I can't say too much about it!.. Alot of Dope female artist are involved. It's gonna be dope so be on the lookout.

SMM : What's the hardest about being a independent female artist?

Slimm-Bay'B : -The hardest thing is having someone of the opposite gender take me seriously. I want them to work with me because of my craft not how I look.

SMM : What make your music different then other artists?

Slimm-Bay'B : My music is extremely different, I don't even think I can compare my sound to anyone else in the industry

SMM : What do you think is the biggest barrieran artist like yourself has to overcome to gain commercial success?

Slimm-Bay'B : I don't think it's a big barrier, I just honestly think it is a popularity contest, iif your music is dope and no one knows you, you may not have very much success.

SMM : Any last words or shout-out you would you like to add?

Slimm-Bay'B : All I have to say is it took me awhile to get here and I ain't stopping now. I would like to thank my #1 supporter and best friend, Josie B. My family and close friends. Look out for my girls Jermeka Monae & Arlissa, both of them are upcoming artists and doing their thing !!..Special thanks to my Producer Kick Addiks, he does his thing,, book him now before he blows up! Special thanks to My Fans --> #MyBayB'S, I Love you and whoever I forgot Love you too!