Street Peeper Zimbabwe Street Peeper September 2017 | Page 85

strong opinions about paying full price for the sake of “charity”, but selling is like their national sport and haggling is an in- tegral part of their culture. More likely than not, they will still 4. Keep Cor- rect Change with You Moroccan cab drivers rarely “have change” when you need it. To avoid over- paying, keep your coins. Most of our cab rides within the city were roughly 30 Dirhams. The di- lemma with keeping change though is that you will not be able to exchange it back when leaving the country. You want to keep correct change while you’re in the country, but you also want to spend it all before leaving. DH. If they demand more, our guide told us to hand them the money and walk away. Luckily, that didn’t happen to us, because we always firmly set a price before the ride. If you’re looking to buy a car- pet or anything with a higher price tag, do your research before you head to Morocco. People get tricked into buy- ing them as “an investment” to sell la ter all the time. Don’t fall for their sales tactics and the local guide’s added pres- sure to buy. 6. Tipping Have some change ready for tips. A good general rule of thumb is 1 DH at a local place and 3-5 DH at nicer places. 7. Be Wary of Local Guides. It’s definitely great to hire a local guide to help you get an inside perspective on the get the better deal, but keep country and navigate through in mind if you are willing to the maze of the medinas (old spend the time, you can get towns), but be sure you items for at least 25-50% of know what you’re getting the starting price. yourself into. The local Know what you’re willing to guides have built relation- pay before you start the hag- ships with many different gling process and walk out if stores, and they are most likely getting a cut of the you can’t get the price you want. They may call you back sales. Don’t be fooled when 5. Learn to Haggle. they say they are trying to in multiple times. Also, you help you haggle to get the If you’re shopping in the mar- may want to bargain with kets or medinas, you will your cab drivers before you best price. We were able to get better prices without have to learn to haggle. I get in the cab. Most of our know some people have rides within the city were 30 them.