Street Peeper Zimbabwe Street Peeper September 2017 | Page 73

1. A PROPER MATTRESS As in, not one you picked up from someone else’s house. You’re probably going to have to get down on more mattresses than Leo DiCaprio to find the right one (he recently invested in a mattress company), but it’s worth it. And get some good pillows while you’re at it. Brands like Sleepwell and Kurl-on are solid choices. 2. AN ORIGINAL PIECE OF ART If you’re running out of time, just ask for one for your 30th. Then, watch the glimmer of pride in your parents eyes as they real- ise you’ve finally stopped requesting things like concert tickets and boots. 3. A DECENT BAG A Chanel quilted number may still be out of reach, but do be sure to chuck a good bit of coin at a quality handbag—brands like Michael Kors, Marc Jacobs, Da Milano and Hidesign are all up on the quality metre. Treat the dust bag like your sleeping bag, and she’ll last you longer than you ever thought possible. 4. AN INVESTMENT Most likely in a house. Whether you live in it or not. It’s a big investment for your future. Of course, for others it might be a business or shares—but the maintenance of your biggest asset should now be t aking up brain space where tequila shots and glitter eyeshadow used to live. 5. DECENT POTS AND PANS... ...and dinner plates. And wine glasses. 6. A PROPER WORKOUT REGIME Whether it’s a fancy gym membership, regular yoga classes or bike rides, by now you should know what kind of exercise you enjoy, and can realistically fit into your schedule. No, shopping does not count and yes, sex totally does. 7. A PASSPORT Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer. And the best time to do it is either before you have kids, or after they move out! Which makes your 20s prime travel time 8. THE FOLLOWING SHOE WARDROBE... One pair of boots, one pair of heels, one pair of flats, one pair of sandals, and one pair of white trainers. All good quality, and all kept in their original boxes. You can have 87 pairs of sliders if you’d like, but just make sure those puppies are among them 9. A FULL SET OF SCREWDRIVERS Because you need to be able to fix shizz yourself, and you need the means with which to do it. We’re all strong, independent women here. 10. A SAVINGS ACCOUNT Not to be confused with #21: your emergency fund. This is for holidays and general happiness induction. In fact, call it ‘The H Fund’ as a reminder—and don’t feel guilty about dipping into it ever so often. 11. A LAPTOP No, your phone isn’t a tiny computer. You need a real one, with a keyboard. 12. A WILL You may think, because you don’t have a sprawling estate, you don’t need one. But by now your financial folio will likely include things like student loan debt (ugh), and a retirement plan, and these are up to you to handle yourself. #BossLadyStyle 13. A REAL VOTE Going to an election booth only because you have to, and randomly ticking boxes doesn’t cut it. You should know what major parties stand for, and what works for you. 14. A BUSINESS CARD Even if you’re a student, or your company hasn’t given you one, it’s worth whipping one up. Online printing juggernauts like Print Venue and Vistaprint will have them delivered straight to your door.