Street Peeper Zimbabwe Street Peeper September 2017 | Page 60

THIRD TRIMESTER TO-DOS Keep track of fetal movement. From about week 28 on, you’ll want to count baby’s kicks regularly and note any changes in activity, es- pecially during month 9. Watch your weight. Your pregnancy weight gain will pick up speed at the beginning of the third trimester and taper down as your due date nears (you may even lose a pound or two). If you’re not gaining enough (or if you’ve gained too much), work with your doctor to adjust your pregnancy dietto get back on track. Keep moving! As long as you have your practi- tioner’s OK and you follow a few fitness safety precautions, it’s safe to continue pregnancy- safe exercises up until your due date. Schedule your third trimester checkups. Expect tests for glucose levels, anemia and group B strep in months 7 and 8. In month 9, your prac- titioner will perform an internal examination of your cervix to see if effacement and dila- tion (the thinning and opening of your cervix) have begun. If you’re classified as “high-risk,” your doctor may also schedule a biophysical profile or non stress test in the last few weeks just to be sure everything is proceeding as ex- pected. Take a hospital tour. If you haven’t already, month 7 is a great time to take a tour of the hospital or birthing center where you plan to give birth. Choose your baby’s paediatrician. Interview a few candidates with a list of questions around week 32 and pick your favourite. Buy baby gear. Make sure you have the baby gear essentials— especially a crib, stroller, car seat (which you’ll need to bring your baby home from the hospital), changing table and baby monitor. On that note, take your car seat in to be professionally installed. Get educated. In addition to a childbirth class — which will help you to feel more prepared for the entire birth process — you may also want to consider classes on infant CPR and baby care. Prepare to breastfeed. Read more about why and how to breastfeed before baby arrives, and possibly even take a breastfeeding class. And don’t hesitate to ask your doula or a lactation consultant for help later if you need it. Learn about the stages of labor. Get prepared for baby’s birthday by learning what to expect during early, active and transitional labor as well as pushing baby out and delivering the pla- centa.