Street Peeper Zimbabwe Street Peeper September 2017 | Page 52

You knew that there were some illnesses that affect more women than men; breast cancer and osteoporosis, for example, are two diseases we hear about year in and year out. gery. You may even have one yourself, since, according to the American Thyroid Association, about 12 or 13 percent of women will be affected by a thyroid disor- der at some point in their lives. But what about the other ones? What about the multitude of conditions that moms, sisters, daughters, and grandmoth- ers tend to develop more frequently than dads, brothers, sons, and grandpas? Women are prone to everything from Car- pal Tunnel Syndrome to multiple sclerosis to stroke, and it’s about time we knew what to look out for. "Women are seven times more likely to develop thyroid issues than men," says Dr. Goldberg, "and women should understand that the treatment is very important be- cause the thyroid is responsible for regu- lating metabolism." Conditions like hypothyroidism (fatigue, weight gain, etc.) and hyperthyroidism (fatigue, weight loss, etc.) come with a Thyroid Disease host of symptoms that can be easily dis- Odds are you’ve seen a woman with a missed or mistaken for other conditions, smiley face-shaped scar at the base of her making thyroid disease easy to overlook. neck, a.k.a. the hallmark of thyroid sur-