Stray Thoughts 2018 Volume 1 Stray Thoughts_Winter 2018_Digital | Page 2

WSHS Wish List
West Suburban Humane Society
Victor ’ s imbalance seemed to be getting better and we didn ’ t want to spend all that money and still not have any answers as to what was causing the episodes .
While all of this was going on , the volunteers started reporting that Victor was sluggish on walks and would occasionally drag one of his back feet . He also had trouble getting up and down and seemed to experience stiffness after laying down for a long period .
We had more x-rays taken and the vet diagnosed Victor with spondylosis in his lower back . He felt that this could potentially be causing the problems . Could it be that we were finally finding some answers ?

Stray Thoughts Winter 2018 Victor Continued

We put Victor on joint supplements and pain medication and scheduled a visit with a chiropractor . On his first visit , he had lots of adjustments and it was recommended that we start walking him with a harness instead of a collar . The harness takes a lot of pressure off his neck which could be causing some of his back pain . Since then , Victor has been going for weekly chiropractic visits . The chiropractor is pleased with his progress . His range of motion is better and he is no longer having issues with balance .
One of our volunteers , Katie , owner of Physio Pet Massage , also does weekly massages with Victor and our animal care team does rehab exercises with him daily .
Through everything that he has endured , Victor has always remained a sweet , happy-go-lucky dog . He loves hanging out with the volunteers and getting play time out in the yard . He ’ s definitely a volunteer favorite . Now all he needs is a home of his own . Our kennel is old and in the winter it can be cold and drafty . We think Victor would thrive in a warm , cozy house with a loving family . Now all we need is someone to take a chance on this boy and give him the life that he deserves . Could that family be yours ?

WSHS Wish List

• Paper towels
• Laundry detergent
• Bleach
• Anti-bacterial hand soap
• Dish washing liquid
• Food ( our animals are on a specific diet : so that we don ’ t upset their digestive system , we must be specific ) Purina One SmartBlend ( Dry ) cat and dog , kitten and puppy formulas . Any canned cat , dog , kitten and puppy food is fine .
• KMR ( kitten milk replacement ), small baby bottles and nipples
• Dog and cat toys ( washable and indestructible !)
• Cat litter
• Stamps ( to be used for postage )
• Garbage bags ( 13 & 30 gallon sizes )
• Batteries – AA , 9-volt and C
• 6 " paper plates
• Lint traps
• Volunteers !
• Monetary donations are always appreciated !

West Suburban Humane Society

Board Members :
Jennifer Bahlmann , President Ruth Cloonan , Vice President Christian Ambler , Recording Secretary Cathy Pesavento , Controller / Treasurer Dr . Tim Brandes , Director
WSHS Staff :
Dexter Evans , Director Christopher Gorman , Director Jim Ingold , Director Angela Keate , Director Mark Stromberg , Director Diana Tsai , Director
Executive Director : Carolyn Mossberger ( Ext . 25 ) Animal Care Manager : Sarah Stromberg ( Ext . 23 ) Night and Weekend Managers : Catherine VanGemmeren , Roberta Diehl , Carol Thygesen , Kathy Hanley Animal Care Assistant : Erica Reh & Vanessa Nelson Adoption Desk Manager : Laney Forman ( Ext . 10 ) Volunteer Coordinator : Deb Waggoner ( Ext . 45 ) Humane Education Manager : Mary Edwards ( Ext . 24 ) Development Manager : Ollie Davidson