Strategies for Student Success 2015 | Page 20

helping the school monitor potential problems that could arise between kids, or as a result of the emotional burdens of poverty or drug abuse at home. Eighth-grade student Kailey Grace says the school is like a family. In contrast to Grassy Fork, the school she used to attend left her feeling left out. She felt that she learned the basics but was poor at math and didn’t do well on state tests. Thanks to one-on-one time with teachers, she’s earning a B in math – and has a completely different attitude about school. “In this community, there are a lot of children with poor home lives,” said Kailey. “School is a safe environment, so it can really help them grow, because school is a safe place for them. You can tell they want to teach you, so students really want to learn.” SCHOOL IS A SAFE ENVIRONMENT, SO IT CAN REALLY HELP THEM GROW, BECAUSE SCHOOL IS A SAFE PLACE FOR THEM. -Kailey Grace, 8th Grade 19