Strategies for Student Success 2014 | Page 28

students progress smoothly between levels without missing concepts or wasting time. This summer, educators have finalized plans to extend the middle school grades’ team structure to the ninth and tenth grades. This careful adjustment to the master schedule will give grade-level teachers a common planning period for working together, meeting with parents, and helping students, said Dr. Carr. “We’re hoping for great things. We hope that it will have as positive an impact as it has had in the middle school,” Dr. Carr said. “We’re continuing to work and strive to improve each day. Martin Luther King Jr. High School: Strategies for Students 1. HIGH EXPECTATION TO HELP THE HIGH-ACHIEVING STUDENT POPULATION CONTINUE TO GROW 2. COLLABORATIVE INSTRUCTION FROM TEACHERS IN MULTIPLE DEPARTMENTS AND FREQUENT REGULAR TEACHER COLLABORATION WITHIN DEPARTMENTS 3. PROJECT-BASED LEARNING OFFERED FOR ALL GRADES EVERY NINE WEEKS 4. COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS WITH TWO UNIVERSITIES TO OFFER SCIENCE AND MATH EXPERIENCES FOR STUDENTS 27