Strategic Business Plan 2017 - 2020 Strategic Business Plan 2017 - 2020 | Page 33

events, identify strategies for the aversion of layoffs, and develop and maintain a system that provides for immediate response to the re-employment needs of the affected workers. A description and assessment of the type and availability of workforce investment activities for youth in the local area, including activities for youth who have disabilities. This description must include an identification of successful models of such activities. WFSCB has placed high emphasis on how youth services will be implemented and thus, has high expectations as to the quality of program services and performance. WFSCB Youth Services (universal & WIOA) has been branded as Youth Opportunities Unlimited (YOU). While the major focus of the WIOA youth program will be to engage out-of-school youth, YOU will reach out through local ISD’s and community organizations to provide labor market and career information to the youth that will be the workforce of the future in the Coastal Bend region. The design of the WIOA-specific youth program will include the following services: an objective assessment of each participant; individual service strategies; and services that prepare youth for post-secondary education. Based on the participant's objective assessment and service strategy, each youth will participate in one or more of the 14 required program elements, including follow-up services.   WFSCB will continue to work closely with its partners, such as local school districts, community colleges and universities, community and faith-based organizations, to recruit and serve eligible youth. These partnerships provide links to other services that may address the specific needs of the targeted populations, such as: teen parents, foster youth, school dropouts, etc. For the in-school youth population, the emphasis will be to continue their education by completing high school or post-secondary education. Services to out-of-school youth will also include education attainment, as well as enrollment into post-secondary education to include vocational skills training. As in prior years, WFSCB plans on continuing to implement innovative programs, such as those that target services to groups, such as foster youth. In addition to the career exploration component and the training track, where participants examine, explore, and prepare themselves for a career, the Coastal Compass will also provide programs for participants to promote themselves and get hired. Participants will be able to access "Fast Track Activities" such as: Career Ready Certification, Drug-Free Requirement message, and GED certification, if appropriate. WFSCB and Coastal Compass partners host a series of annual education and career events throughout the year targeting youth from elementary to post-secondary age. WFSCB’s tremendous partnership with the Citizens for Educational Excellence allows WFSCB to leverage grant funding to support these events. Ready for College and Career Conference (R4C2) for Educators – Hosted annually by Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend and the Citizens for Educational Excellence, this event brings together teachers and counselors, employers, and community leaders to discuss the Coastal Bend’s education and employment needs now and in the future. Guest speakers have included Texas Workforce Commissioners, State Representatives, and local employer representatives. Panel discussions include employers addressing their needs, representatives from the region’s two community colleges and two universities, the Craft Training Center, and panels of students who discussed their successes with early college high school and dual credit programs. Experts from local economic development and TWC’s Labor Market & Career Information (LMCI) division provide overviews of the Texas and Coastal Bend labor market to educators during lunch. 31