Strategic Business Plan 2017 - 2020 Strategic Business Plan 2017 - 2020 | Page 26

Part B: Operational Elements Resource Alignment A description of the workforce development system in the local area that identifies: a. the programs that are included in the system; and b. how the Board will support the strategy identified in the State Plan and work with the entities carrying out core programs and other workforce development programs to support alignment to provide services, including programs of study authorized under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, that support the strategy identified in the State Plan under WIOA §102(b)(1)(E). WFSCB provides services to its residents through the following programs that are available in the Coastal Bend region through state and federal funding and implemented by WFSCB’s local contractors; SERCO and NCI.            Wagner-Peyser funded employment services WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker WIOA Youth Trade Adjustment Assistance Choices Program Choices NCP Program SNAP E&T Program Sector Partnership National Dislocated Worker Grant Oil & Gas National Dislocated Worker Grant Military Family Support Pilot Program Child Care Services WFSCB supports and promotes the programs operated at the state level through the continuous education of job seekers and employers to the opportunities available through each of the programs. With very strong ties to the community colleges, and in partnership work to develop skills development fund applications that will benefit employers in the Coastal Bend through highly-trained employees. The Business Service Representatives provide information directly to employers about each of these programs and encourage them to use the programs available. The Texas Workforce System’s Strategic Plan 2016-2023 provides WFSCB with a general direction for state and federal programs over the next few years. The plans “Overarching Imperatives” of Customer Service and Satisfaction, Data-Driven Program Improvement, and Continuous Improvement and Innovation are very similar to WFSCB’s own goals. WFSCB has and will continue to work with all of the community stakeholders to ensure these key issues addressed in the State Plan are carried forward in the Coastal Bend region. Educational Programs of Study and Education System Coordination & Alignment- Partnerships with Citizens for Educational Excellence (CEE), local ISD’s, community colleges, universities and the Craft Training Center have enabled WFSCB to assist in aligning HB5 high school career pathways, with post- secondary degree programs and certifications, with in-demand career outcomes throughout the region. These relationships have been built over the last five years and the work to align these career pathways 24