Story/telling Story/telling | Page 76

C HAP T E R F IVE C HAP T E R F IVE Art and Narrative This final chapter explores story through the tactile medium of fine art painting. I took a trip to the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario) in pursuit of eight different stories. I gave myself strict rules for this exercise, which included entering the gallery, and only photographing work which compelled me enough to make me stop and analyze it. When analyzing a piece I didn’t want to look at the title, artist or any of the supplementary information on the panel. I recorded what I would title the piece and wrote a small description of the work. After I completed this I would photograph the panel written by the gallery, then move onto the next piece. In the following chapter, I have photographs of each of the pieces along with 3 different written pieces of the artwork. Only one of the three pieces is the truth, which story will you choose to believe? Which story will you craft? Allow the artwork to craft its own story within your mind. 65