Story/telling Story/telling | Page 62

CHAPTER FOUR: ARTIFACTS AS STORY “it was one of the last summer nights we’d all be together” 51 When I look at this I think about summer with my 3 best friends, driving through the shitty town we grew up in or just laying around eating at one of our houses. I remember it was one of the last summer nights we’d all be together before we went our separate ways until Christmas. As per usual, there was nothing to really do but drive around and blast some tunes. We ended up passing the high school where we all met and stole a bunch of letters from the sign they had set up along the road. I didn’t get out of the car. I was too busy laughing at the three of them struggling to get the letters out of the small opening at the bottom of the sign, and eyeing the cameras that were set up to monitor the school parking lot. Everyone got the first initial of their first name, except me. I settled for the 7. I guess it kind of looks like a J upside down.