Story/telling Story/telling | Page 50

CHAPTER THREE: TELL ME YOUR STORY SUBMISSION 06 Yesterday night I got into a fight with my partner. I honestly can’t remember what the fight was about, but we stormed off angrily as we said good bye. It was the first fight that we hadn’t made up from immediately. This morning when I woke up, I felt a strange battle between remaining angry at them and trying to be the bigger person for the sake of the relationship and making up; but eventually the latter took over. I’m glad it did, because I honestly don’t think that I have it in me to remain angry at them for so long. SUBMISSION 07 I am blessed with three grandfathers. Three grandfathers you ask? Long story made short. My dad was adopted at birth by a couple in Toronto. My Dad’s birth parents were from Saskatchewan and only 18 at the time. We all connected again years later to only find out that the young pair had gotten married and had a family and always wondered about their baby out there in the world! Well one winter weekend in my late highschool years. My grandfather from Saskatchewan(a farmer by day) and my mothers father(a printing press business owner) and I all jumped into the family minivan and headed over to Home Depot to grab some needed items for a project waiting at home. We rolled into the parking lot and my grandfather Richard (printer) pulled into the handicap parking spot, gave a wink to my grandfather Ronald and they whipped open their doors and hopped out of the van. As I watched them make their ways to the Home Depot Entrance doors I can’t help but laugh my ass off as these two old grandpas proceed to act crippled and hobble into the store. I laughed so hard because those two men where two of the few strongest men I have ever got to know and love. They have since passed, but I will always remember them and their joke! 39