Story/telling Story/telling | Page 39

#140CharacterOrLess Microblogging is a new concept of communication. Made famous by Twitter’s 140 character ‘tweets’, microblogging forces it’s user to express ideas with limited space. This concept is part of a larger desire to simplify communication. Is this concept making us more productive or just less expressive? Twitter was launched in 2006 after years of collaborating on prototypes. This platform was released around the same time as AOL Messenger, MSN, MySpace, Facebook, etc. and quickly became the most popular amongst it’s counterparts. To explore this concept further I created a Twitter account acting as my Great Grandfather. I fashioned this page with the knowledge of my family heritage and what I have studied about the World Wars. In no way am I trying to make light of the horrible events that happened during these wars, I wanted to be as authentic as possible to my subjects. 28