Story/telling Story/telling | Page 15

P R E FAC E Tell Story This book began as many of my projects do, a simple idea that quickly consumed and preoccupied my every thought. Early this year I discovered a translated family story, which led me to become fascinated with the idea of storytelling. As I begun research I found myself captivated by the levels of complexity of storytelling. Throughout my final year of studying my Bachelor of Design at York University / Sheridan College, I conducted several exercises to examine different components of storytelling to come to a personal conclusion on the topic. My main purpose in these studies was to sculpt my own beliefs and opinions of what storytelling means in 2017. I was determined to find the purpose of storytelling in a world saturated with stories that are flooding our screens every waking minute. This book is in no way a philosophical study or theory of storytelling. ‘Story/telling’ should be looked at as a documented series of exploratory exercises. Through the different exercises, I hope you are able to craft your own personal definition and beliefs around storytelling and what role it plays in your life. If there is one thing that I would like readers to take away from reading this publication, it would be that they are exposed to the abundant possibilities that are out there for storytelling and we shouldn’t settle with the technology or tools that are so often pushed onto us. 4