Story – Robert McKee's Creative Storytelling Magazine Issue 005 – Drew Carey | Page 24

YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY at the book for their publishing houses, so they were happy to give me quick notes and/or tell me what worked and didn’t work from their point of view. This is what happens at agent/editor lunches sometimes and it’s the only reason I still occasionally have them. her closet than I thought possible. While scenes were changed, the very problems that made it unworkable a year and a quarter before riddled the narrative. And an obligatory scene—the hero at the mercy of the villain scene, crucial to nail in a thriller—was gone entirely. I was now finished with my job as the “creation editor/agent” and now it was time for my business partner to do hers. We shook hands and she walked away with the road map to complete the novel. I took a deep breath and went through her draft scene by scene again and confronted her about the lack of the crucial obligatory scene. Keep in mind that it took us a good nine months to get to this point. We debated scene after scene until we both felt it was the best solution we could come up with at the time. Were they turning correctly? Were we mixing up the positive and negative resolutions enough? Did we progressively complicate the Sto