Stop Suffering ISSUE021 | Page 8

ALSO IN CANADA BEFORE to the UCKG, but my answerwould always be “NO”. Until one day I decided to give it a try. What did I have to lose? I was 16 when I first started to take a sip of alcohol and smoke marijuana. I would sneak out of the house to get high with my friends. I was also very rebellious, short tempered and timid. If someone said something to me that I didn´t like I would curse at them or wanted to fight. Then I came to Canada, but I was still doing the same things; living my life the way I wanted: carelessly. I can remember my friend constantly inviting me STOP SUFFERING|08 I was still doing what was wrong outside, until one day I decided to really try to give my life to God and to try to turn my life around. Slowly, I started seeing changes in my life. I went to church more often, and participated in the treatment. All the problems I had before are all gone now. I no longer have any desire to smoke nor drink nor go out clubbing. I learned how to control my anger. I saw a full transformation in my life. Today I’m happy! Sylvester Torille I started dr first, it in co live sleep sta know Before could ge h o l d of myself, I fo myself drunk for 4 days strai partying hard. My mom inv me to the Help Centre. I atte the services and with cont prayers and participation treatment in the church, th gone. Today, I am a new per At a ver drinkin class to d frien not out w influe work, m Centre. I pa Today, I don’t have the ple completely cured.