Stop Suffering ISSUE018 | Page 4

PROSPERITY Coming to the Monday meetings, I have received many blessings. My financial life was in a bad state. I had to declare bankcruptcy for over $40,000 because of student loans and other loans that I haven’t paid off. Beginning 2014, I was told that I would have to pay $200/month until the end of 2016. However, I received a letter from the government saying that they have reviewed my file and that I’m free. Everything is cancelled and I am now debt-free. I never succeded in starting my own business. It was horrible to be constantly rejected, but it was the belief in my idea that kept me going. I didn’t give up and kept running towards my dream. I wasn’t going to take no for an answer. By taking part of the Monday meetings, every week was an opportunity for me to realise my dream. Although there was a tug of war in my mind due to what close relatives had said, I kept a positive mindset. After about a month, I was able to start taking steps towards building my business. I first ()